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Eligibility application

日本語 It has been determined by the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, Foreigners who will become the application for obtaining the status of residence needed to work to stay in Japan.
It is available procedures at the Immigration Bureau instead.

Certificate of Eligibility grant application

Corresponds to the advance status of residence before immigration received a review about whether to meet the landing permission criteria, it is the applicant that a request for the issuance of residence status certificate to prove its suitability.
It is generally referred to as VISA.
If you leave to get here of certification, it eliminates the procedures required to enter Japan, also makes it easier to pass immigration.

Eligibility update permit application

Already foreigners who are staying in Japan with a resident status is, that without having to change the status of residence, when you stay continue beyond the period of stay, it is a request to extend the period.

Eligibility changes permit application

Already foreigners who are staying in Japan with the status of residence, it is the applicant that in the case of performing the activities and different activities of the current status of residence.
・The students have a job
・The person who got a job in Japan, be married to a Japanese.
・The person who had been married to a Japanese, be divorced or be bereaved.

Re-entry permit application

That without having to change the status of residence, with the intention to again enter Japan within the period of stay, it becomes necessary permissions when you leave more than one year.
You must receive permission before leaving the country.
If ends up leaving without receiving this permission, residence status that had until then also disappeared, it is necessary to obtain the residence status again.
If you are in possession of a residence card, if you want to re-entry from leaving the country within one year, considered since the re-entry system is available.

Permanent residence permit application

Foreigners with residence status will be the procedure of case you would like to qualify for permanent resident.
There are strict conditions in order to get this status of residence, but it is possible similar activities and nearly Japanese after the acquisition.

School qualification certificate grant application

For job description that can the foreigners do, you will clearly verifiable certificate procedure.
When you get a job, be required to submit from employment, it is effective to submit when changing jobs.

We also deal as much as possible a variety of projects.
Please contact us.

Price list

在留資格認定証明書交付申請 (Certificate of Eligibility grant application)
短期滞在資格所得申請 (Short stay qualification income applicants)
在留資格更新許可申請 (Eligibility update permit application)
在留資格変更許可申請 (Eligibility changes permit application)
在留資格取得許可申請 (Eligibility acquisition permit application)
資格外活動許可申請 (Qualification activities outside permit application)
再入国許可申請 (Re-entry permit application)
永住許可申請 (Permanent residence permit application)
就労資格証明書交付申請 (Employment Eligibility certificate grant application)






